Ten British women will get the chance to carry their own babies after doctors received the go-ahead for the first ever womb transplants in the UK.
Dr Richard Smith will lead the team hoping to perform the UK's first ever womb transplant following the success of the procedure in Sweden.
Ethical approval has been granted by a special committee at Imperial College London for 10 transplants as part of a clinical trial.
It will launch in the spring and more than 100 women have been identified as potential recipients of donor wombs.
Around one in 5,000 women are born without a womb, while others lose their womb to cancer.
If the trial is successful, the first British baby born as a result of a womb transplant could arrive in late 2017 or 2018, with more in the future.
Dr Smith, 55, a consultant gynaecologist at the Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital, has been working on the project for 19 years and said he was "really pleased" to have been granted approval.
I've met many of the women who want this and it's really important for them and their partners.
There is no doubting that, for many couples, childlessness is a disaster. Infertility is a difficult thing to treat for these women. Surrogacy is an option but it does not answer the deep desire that women have to carry their own baby.
For a woman to carry her own baby - that has to be a wonderful thing.
The medic told ITV News £500,000 needs to be raised for the trial but said the money would not be coming from NHS funds:
I've always been an enormous optimist. The project has run with no money from the start.
Somehow or other, somebody has always turned up and given us enough money to keep it going
The 10 women who will be selected for the trial must all meet strict criteria, which includes being 38 or under, having a long-term partner and being a healthy weight.
Before the trial starts, embryos will be created and frozen using each woman's eggs and sperm from her partner.
The women will then undergo a six-hour transplant operation to receive a womb from a donor who is classed as brain dead but whose heart has been kept beating.
After 12 months on immunosuppressant drugs and close monitoring, each woman will be implanted with one of her embryos, with the hope of achieving a successful pregnancy.
Any baby would be delivered by Caesarean section to prevent the donor womb going through the stresses and strains of labour.
Six months after giving birth, each woman will be given the option of trying for one more baby, or the womb will be removed by surgeons.
This is to minimise the risk of keeping women on immunosuppressant drugs for the rest of their lives, which have side effects, including an increased risk of cancer.
Here's what ITV Facebook users made of the development:
I think it's brilliant. So many women can't have children and this could help so many!
If a heart doesn't work properly then u get a transplant, if a kidney doesn't work then you get a transplant so why are people saying this is against nature? Of course it's not, it'll be a miracle to many women who are desperate to have children!!
It's wrong interfering with nature
I think this is amazing and will give women a chance at becoming a mother and carrying their own babies.
I hope it's a success to every woman who has this done!
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Dr Richard Smith will lead the team hoping to perform the UK's first ever womb transplant following the success of the procedure in Sweden.
Ethical approval has been granted by a special committee at Imperial College London for 10 transplants as part of a clinical trial.
It will launch in the spring and more than 100 women have been identified as potential recipients of donor wombs.
Around one in 5,000 women are born without a womb, while others lose their womb to cancer.
If the trial is successful, the first British baby born as a result of a womb transplant could arrive in late 2017 or 2018, with more in the future.
Dr Smith, 55, a consultant gynaecologist at the Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital, has been working on the project for 19 years and said he was "really pleased" to have been granted approval.
I've met many of the women who want this and it's really important for them and their partners.
There is no doubting that, for many couples, childlessness is a disaster. Infertility is a difficult thing to treat for these women. Surrogacy is an option but it does not answer the deep desire that women have to carry their own baby.
For a woman to carry her own baby - that has to be a wonderful thing.
The medic told ITV News £500,000 needs to be raised for the trial but said the money would not be coming from NHS funds:
I've always been an enormous optimist. The project has run with no money from the start.
Somehow or other, somebody has always turned up and given us enough money to keep it going
The 10 women who will be selected for the trial must all meet strict criteria, which includes being 38 or under, having a long-term partner and being a healthy weight.
Before the trial starts, embryos will be created and frozen using each woman's eggs and sperm from her partner.
The women will then undergo a six-hour transplant operation to receive a womb from a donor who is classed as brain dead but whose heart has been kept beating.
After 12 months on immunosuppressant drugs and close monitoring, each woman will be implanted with one of her embryos, with the hope of achieving a successful pregnancy.
Any baby would be delivered by Caesarean section to prevent the donor womb going through the stresses and strains of labour.
Six months after giving birth, each woman will be given the option of trying for one more baby, or the womb will be removed by surgeons.
This is to minimise the risk of keeping women on immunosuppressant drugs for the rest of their lives, which have side effects, including an increased risk of cancer.
Here's what ITV Facebook users made of the development:
I think it's brilliant. So many women can't have children and this could help so many!
If a heart doesn't work properly then u get a transplant, if a kidney doesn't work then you get a transplant so why are people saying this is against nature? Of course it's not, it'll be a miracle to many women who are desperate to have children!!
It's wrong interfering with nature
I think this is amazing and will give women a chance at becoming a mother and carrying their own babies.
I hope it's a success to every woman who has this done!
Czytaj tutaj
Koncze butelke wina piszac ten wpis, takze z gory przepraszam za to ;) rowniez mam MRKH jestem niewiele mlodsza od Ciebie rozumiem Twoj bol. Łatwiej pisac z anonimowego konta moze dlatego ze chodzi o latwiejszy przekaz. Chccialabym po postu ci przekazac ze sie da tak.
OdpowiedzUsuńzyc, a moze zamiast kary trzeba to wziac jako wyzwanie, odnalezienie siebie.Swoich pasji nie wierze, ze ich nie masz.
Jest ciezko, mam to ciagle w sercu. TEn bol. Ja nie widzialam malaych dzieci mialam wyobrazenie o kolorze oczu ksztltu twarzy.
Ale potrafilam w tym wszytkim znalesc cel. Swoje pasje.
Pewnie prywatnie potrafilabym powiedziec wiecej. Po prostu znajdz siebie/